Articles Tagged ‘balance transfer’

Should You Pay Off Credit Cards With a Balance Transfer?
Friday, August 3rd, 2012
The balance transfer deal is a common promotional tool used by credit card companies to acquire new customers. This type of promotion usually allows a new customer to open an account, transfer balances from one or more of their existing credit cards onto the new account – usually up to a certain dollar amount – and pay very low or no fees on that transferred balance for a fixed period of time. The opportunity to pay off high interest credit card debt at a lower rate can be tempting, but it isn’t necessarily something you should do. Here is some credit...

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The Lowdown on Credit Card Balance Transfers
Thursday, July 5th, 2012
Assuming that your credit is good enough, and you can get approved for a new credit card once every six months or year, you might be tempted to take advantage of the new account balance transfer deals that many credit card companies offer. The terms of a balance transfer usually involve a preferential interest rate (sometimes 0%) for a specified period of time for any amounts you transfer to the new card. It’s true that this type of transfer does have the benefit of saving you on interest charges. However, there are some direct and indirect expenses associated with this...

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How to Get Credit Card Interest Rates Lowered
Tuesday, June 26th, 2012
How to Get Credit Card Interest Rates LoweredWhile an increasing number of consumers are working to pay off their credit cards, it might take time for some to fully achieve it. Even someone who normally pays off their credit card each month could be hit with an unexpected expense that they’ll have to charge and which will take some time to completely pay off. As you’re working to pay off your credit card balance, it’s important to make sure you’re paying the lowest possible interest rate. Depending on your balance, and how long you carry it, getting your interest rate reduced by even a couple percentage points...

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Balance Transfers Pros and Cons
Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

If you've ever had credit in your name, there's a good chance that you get credit card offers in the mail regularly. Some charge interest rates so ridiculous that it's amazing they're still in business. Others offer deals that seem too good to be true, such as 0% balance transfers. Zero interest deals do exist, though. In fact, they're pretty common. Credit card companies offer such deals because they provide an incentive for those who already have credit card debt to get one of their cards. But should you take the bait? Here are some points to consider when making that...

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