6 Credit Hits That Can Lower a Credit Score by 100 Points or More ››

6 Credit Hits That Can Lower a Credit Score by 100 Points or MoreYour credit score is quite possibly the single most important measure of your creditworthiness when you’re applying for a new loan or credit card. Home mortgage lenders and credit card companies will not only use your score to determine whether or not

Why Financial Institutions May Automatically Raise Your Credit Card Limit ››

Why Financial Institutions May Automatically Raise Your Credit Card LimitIt seems like some individuals are always searching for ways to increase the credit limits on their credit cards. The reasons for doing so are varied, and might include a desire for greater day to day purchasing power, the need for an

What is an APR? ››

what is an aprAny time you go shopping for a new home loan, car loan or credit card, you’re likely to encounter a lot of “fine print” on the loan or credit agreement. While it’s a good idea to understand all of the terms you’re

What is a Finance Charge? ››

What is a Finance ChargeAfter the market meltdown of late 2008 and early 2009, interest rates dropped to near historic lows. While these low rates are bad news for savers and anyone depending on interest income, low rates are beneficial to borrowers. But even when lending

Advice on Making the Most of Your Credit Card in 2013 ››

Advice on Making the Most of Your Credit Card in 2013Many of us start each New Year by making resolutions to improve ourselves. These resolutions often relate to our health or spending time with our famines. Another common type of resolution relates to matters of personal finance. Since credit card debt and

How Often Does Your Credit Report Change? ››

How Often Does Your Credit Report ChangeYour credit report – and the credit score that’s calculated based on the information on your credit report – plays a significant role in determining how much you’ll have to pay in interest charges whenever you take out a loan. In fact,

When is the Best Time to Get a Credit Report? ››

When is the Best Time to Get a Credit ReportYour credit report is one of the most important documents when it comes to your financial identity. Any time you apply for a credit card, a car loan, a home mortgage, or even when you apply for certain types of jobs, someone

Want a Credit Limit Increase? Understand the Effects ››

Want a Credit Limit Increase Understand the EffectsEven if you don’t normally carry a balance on your credit card, you may find that there are times when your spending levels get uncomfortable close to your credit limit. Having a well thought out budget can help keep your spending at

What’s a Better Approach, One Credit Card with a High Limit or Multiple Credit Cards? ››

What’s a Better Approach, One Credit Card with a High Limit or Multiple Credit CardsEven though the recent credit crunch has made it quite difficult for some individuals to get a new home loan, or even to refinance their existing mortgage, one area of lending remains vibrant; the credit card industry. Individuals with a relatively strong

3 Tips to Maximize Your Credit Card Rewards ››

3 Tips to Maximize Your Credit Card RewardsCredit cards are often unfairly criticized as something harmful; something that allows people to overspend their income, or to buy things that they don’t need. Of course, the credit card itself is just a tool. It’s the behavior of the account holder